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Found 3 entities matching 'macali'
  1. Participant ID: 9902:29423350 (The Danish Commerce and Companies Agency)
    • Country: Denmark (DK)
      Entity Name:Macali ApS
  2. Participant ID: 0208:0464284956 (Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) / Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) / Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZOU) Service public fédéral Economie, P.M.E. Classes moyennes et Energie)
    • Country: Belgium (BE)
      Entity Name:Macali International (Dutch)
  3. Participant ID: 9925:be0464284956
    • Country: Belgium (BE)
      Entity Name:Macali International (Dutch)